Upcoming Events:

RoboMaster Committee

Committee Head: Yuqi Pan (discord: Yuqi#5838)

picture of Yuqi


RoboMaster Competition

RoboMaster combines elements of League of Legends and an FPS game along with robotics and engineering. Two teams put 3 robots out on the field, each with a different set of abilities, and a goal of taking down the other team’s base. In order to win, robots shoot plastic pellets at the opposing team’s robots and base.

RoboMaster is unlike any other collegiate-level robotics competition. Not only does the competition challenge students to build both autonomous and driver-controlled robots, but it also allows teams the opportunity to construct drones. Teams use industry-standard programs like Keil and CAD software, allowing students to gain more practical experience in their respective engineering field of study. RoboMaster is also a very new competition in the United States, which allows us to greatly impact its future.

You can find out more about the competition here


Get Involved!

The competition requires skills from all areas of robotics and we could always use more help. If you're interested in hardware design and CAD, hardware manufacturing, electronics and PCB design, or software development come check us out and join our Discord server

The competition requries skills from all areas of robotics and we could always use more help. If you’re interested in hardware design and CAD, hardware manufacturing, electronics and PCB design, or software development come check us out.