Upcoming Events:

Corporate Committee 2022 March Blog Post

Hello everyone!

This month, the corporate committee worked on planning topics of interests to present in the following semester during corporate events. Preparation involved designating topics to workshops, technical talks, and social events. With the semester nearing an end, preparation for the next semester is crucial. We will be updating the student brochure, corporate packet, and promotional materials such as the banner and business cards.

Fundraising - 40 for Forty:

This event consisted of 40 hours of fundraising where donations were raised to support the different projects that the Robotics and Automation Society is working on. The corporate committee was responsible for making promotional materials to spread through our social media to raise awareness of this event - we were able to raise $ 1,815! We are extremely grateful for your care and support. <3

We would like to thank everyone for their support in this fundraising effort.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to utrascorporate@utexas.edu

Author: Wendy Rodriguez-Ovalle