Upcoming Events:

Corporate Spring Kick-Off!

Hello everyone! Welcome to the Corporate Committee’s first Blog post :3

Corporate Committee

What do we do

Professional Development - Communicate and build partnerships with company representatives to plan events such as Tech Talks, interactive workshops, and social events.

At the moment, we offer company representatives in-person and hybrid events.

Corporate Committee meetings are now happening on Fridays from 5-6 PM at the RAS office (EER 0.822)!

Since the committee is still growing, feel free to submit your meeting availability here to see if there needs to be changes in our meeting time/day.

Who can join?

Any RAS member can join, any year and major. No experience is needed :) I encourage you to join!

Fundraising Opportunity

flyer .

Starting on February 9th, we will be participating in a fundraising effort to support our RoboMaster Committee. Donations will aid the team to acquire parts, facilitate travel, and host outreach opportunities in our community.

Where to learn more:

Help us spread the word! We appreciate your support. <3



Feel free to contact me: wendyrovalle@utexas.edu

Author: Wendy Rodriguez-Ovalle